Emergency Light Installation and Service of Exit sing and Fire lights in Commercial and Medical Facilities

Replacing old emergency lights like exit and fire sings with illumination or building a new office. Veteran Electric Inc sends only qualified local electrician to complete the electrical service safely and right the first time in TX. 

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How To Install Emergency Exit Lighting

You don’t need special tools for most emergency lights and exit signs. They’re usually easy to install. Safety fixtures need not be connected to an electrical outlet; they may instead be powered by a direct connection to the building’s main electric panel. In some places in Texas, using a cord set is not allowed during an emergency because they interfere with the operation of the backup power system. Check with your local electrical code in Texas for example if you live there.


Emergency Light and Exit Sign Instructions

Make sure there isn’t any power going through the wire before connecting them together.

To extend the AC power supply of a circuit breaker panel to an outlet box, follow these steps. Don’t energize the supply before it needs to be energized.

Unscrew the battery connector from the back of the phone. If given, remove the lamp packages and canopy the kit package from its container.

You’ll need to decide whether the fixture needs to go up against a wall, ceiling, or end. Mounting the unit according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer works best if done correctly. If not, there may be damage. Read our disclaimer below before you attempt to do it yourself.

Free Egress Signs, LED Exit Signs, battery backup exit signs, photoluminescent exit signs, and bulbs are a few signs what we install or repair.

Where Should Emergency Lighting & Exit Signs Be Installed in a Building in TX?

Likewise, you won’t truly understand fire extinguishers until you’re faced with an actual fire. These signs are intended to help guide people through an evacuation route so they know where to go next if there’s ever an emergency at their workplace.

You may not think installing an emergency light would be important enough for you to spend time figuring out where they go, but if you’re ever caught outside during a power outage, knowing which way to turn could save your life. In case you’re working on a new construction project or if you’re renovating an existing one, be sure to comply with the relevant safety guidelines when installing fire alarms.


Local&State Agencies & Codes that Stipulate Emergency Lighting & Exit Sign Requirements

There are several regulatory bodies that set standards for the design and construction of emergency lights and exit signs. These include:

Occupational Safety and Injury Prevention Act (1970), United States federal law governing

NFA -National Fire Protection Association.

JCAHO accredits health care organizations for compliance with standards set by the U.S. Department

International Building and Fire Codes

There may be additional regulations specific to your jurisdiction in Texas that you might not know. Ask a licensed electrician who can consult you on emergency lighting exit signs and fire lights.


Commercial, industrial, institutional, educational, religious, medical, and many other building types generally require emergency lighting in Texas. They must have specific labels on building plans. They could be a wall or ceiling mounted with battery backup energy when the electricity goes down. Local and federal agencies require testing and inspection within certain intervals with a paper records.

A few Considerations to Ponder  When Installing Emergency Lighting

If you own any type of business, whether it’s a small shop, large chain, or even an apartment complex, you must comply with these regulations. Below are some tips to help you get ready before installing.

Space emergency lights evenly throughout an office space so there aren’t too many overly bright and too few overly dim ones. If there’s an entire wall of windows that provide plenty of natural light, then you might want to consider making some adjustments to accommodate them.

Lights need to be pointed at the ground so they don’t shine into people’s eyes. Even though bulbs pointing up at the ceiling or down against the walls may not be required by building codes, they’ll usually look better than ones that aren’t pointed properly.

Every doorway leading outside must display a clear sign indicating where people need to go. All exit signs must be illuminated at any time and include an emergency backup battery so they continue illuminating even if there’s no electricity. You need to use clear, distinct letters that stand out against their backgrounds.

All exit routes must be free from obstructions such as furniture, decorations, or objects that block the view of the exits or an exit sign.

You need to see any signs for exits clearly and easily so that you know where they lead. In order for an emergency evacuation plan to function properly, if a hallway turns, additional exits with directionally indicated signage must be added so people know which way to go.

Signs must be posted at exits indicating which way leads away from danger.

If there are doors along the exit route that look like they might lead outside but aren’t labeled “Exit,” “No Exit” or indicate their purpose, then these need to be tagged accordingly by code so people know not to go through them.


Veteran Electric Inc recommends only a licensed electrical contractor install emergency lighting fixtures. You must be qualified before attempting installation. Ignoring this warning may result in severe bodily harm or even death. The Veteran Electric Inc company will not be held responsible for injuries or deaths resulting from using the information on our website. Call us today to book our safe and professional service.